
What Clients Say

The trainer came well prepared and energised

The training module on Leadership was delivered in a way that allowed me to reflect on my leadership journey so far, areas I needed to work on, and gave me helpful tips to enhance my skills in this area. The trainer came well prepared and energised, and allowed us space to engage and share our own experiences, to complement her own experience sharing. This allowed us to connect with the training module at a personal level, enriching the experience overall.
Sikeli Valemei

I gained more than what I had initially expected

Coming into this training session my ultimate goal was to improve my confidence in “Public Speaking”. By the end of the training I was quite fortunate to have picked up on other skillsets that has allowed myself to approach work in positive manner. Upskill Yourself enabled me to fine tune my communication skills, provided more insight on positive ways to relive stress (emotional intelligence), better equipped on how to defuse conflict and most importantly how to overcome challenges in a positive manner. The session also shed more insight on the various quality traits a “Good Leader” should possess. As a participant I can boldly say that the training sessions are very effective, I would consider it as an investment cause these sessions do work miraculously. I learnt the importance of positive vibes, the value of empowerment & what these 2 values can achieve when they are relatively in sync. Veronika’s methods of teaching are one of a kind, like always has eye for details. All in all and work is much easier thanks to the UpSkill Yourself training. Vinaka!
George Banner
Product Executive, Newcom Live, Digicel Group Limited

It was very interactive

I found the training on Communication skills quite insightful and helped me to reflect on where I was and what I needed to work on. The activities during the sessions also helped to highlight the importance of communicating effectively, intentionally, and with kindness to get the task completed.
It was very interactive as we get to hear everyone’s opinion on a particular question. Very timely and relevant in nowadays as leaders.
Joseph Raqina

there is no criticism

The facilitator always give her feedback in a positive way, there is no criticism.
Sala Tuicakau
BSP Life